So the semester has mercifully come to an end, and the long wait for results begins - thank goodness for this 'little' distraction coming up. Since Thursday I've spent almost every waking minute making lists, packing, or thinking about what a poor job of making lists and packing I'm doing. This year has definitely honed my panic-under-pressure skills.
My trip to REI yesterday was particularly disturbing - I was surrounded by scores of granola types scoping out tents and environment-friendly toilet paper. I, the impostor who would never equate bathing in a lake with a vacation, was shopping for a sleep-sack to keep the scary European bugs that will undoubtedly be in our beds off of me (thanks, Deana, for planting that image in my head). Luckily, I happened to be wearing my Birkenstocks and blended in enough to prevent a yuppie effigy incident. However, I must take issue with the price of what is really a glorified sheet folded in half and sewn up the side - $65?!?! Really? Of all the times for my sewing machine to be broken .... Well, I bought it just so I wouldn't have to run back in a panic before Thursday because of some dream where Euro-bugs wearing sunglasses inside and too-tight t-shirts dance away the night under my covers to house music from 3 years ago. Still, I resent the purchase and will probably return it - updates on this fascinating topic will follow along with the Lifetime movie at 11.
T-minus 4 days!
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